Monday, April 1, 2013


That is sooo Awesome!!!! What a great missionary experience mom! Thank you for sharing that! I am so glad to hear of the work furthering! I hope that man realizes the blessings that will come through his personal conversion! What a great opportunity for your new missionary to see the power of the Lord preparing the elect! So did Tony comment on the Easter activity? Did he understand it? So elder Anderson and I are teaching a man named Ying. He is a foreign exchange student from China. He attends the university here because his parents want him to go into business management. But... he doesn't want to do that. The culture is so different here than over there. He is doing it because he has that strong belief in responsibility/duty. He would rather play and study music. So secretly he is playing in a band at one of the Churches here in Ada. Which I have a firm testimony is the Lord preparing him for us. He has been exposed to God, Jesus, the Bible, the Holy Ghost, and all these christian beliefs. We taught him The Restoration, and he just soaked it all up! He was very pleased to find out that we explain things so much better than the pastors of the Churches, and he understood and believes that Joseph Smith was the only one with authority to restore our Lords church. He is golden! We are working to get him a Mandarin Book of Mormon (you should ask the elders to get tony one) so he can better understand the words and teachings. He feels it is his obligation to meet with us, so we will be meeting with him this Saturday. I'm so excited. I wish ?Sis. Richards? from Salida ward was here to be our member fellow shipper. But we will make due. We had a very nice Easter. A brother in the ward invited us over for dinner, which was not mom's cookin' but it was good. He also invited a friend of his who is not a member or investigator...yet. We actually received a call late last night saying that on today at 3:00 she would like a blessing from us, so we are thrilled for this opportunity for her to feel the power of the Priesthood, and the Spirit. 
OK regarding Facebook: we received a text from President Taylor stating that we will be allowed to go on just this once, because of the some event was doing and that he wanted us to bear our testimonies and add the link to So I was "exactly obedient" and did so. I promise I wasn't searching friends, chatting or looking at whats going on with everybody. I was on for maybe 10 minutes then jumped right off. It actually felt really weird getting on. And I couldn't remember my account info. It took me a while to get on. But I think it was a good idea. Ask Jenni if anyone commented or anything on it? I'm curious to know the effects. any non-members comment? If so direct them to the website, or missionaries! I know this is going to be a busy week with the kiddos around, but I'm curious to know of some people's addresses :) I love you! Also do me a favor and look up the "Red Rock Roosters" the man that fed us used to be in that band, and he has 3 platinum records on his wall. Or have Dad check them out. 
This week has been fantastic! Miracles upon miracles! We were able to get into a less-active's home and talk with her. Oh boy what an experience. So she has been less active for probably 25 years. And she has had a tough life. Well come to find out she has some hereditary thing where it is difficult for her to maintain a child for the whole pregnancy. She said she had lost around 5 babies. And she really wants to have another child. She has one boy who she calls her miracle boy. Anyway, after she told us this, I was prompted intensely to promise her she would be capable of having another child if she were to repent, and come unto Christ, go to church, and become active again. I was so scared. I did not want to make this promise, I don't know what I'm talking about, I am no professional doctor or what not. I was afraid of being chastised and rejected. But I couldn't ignore this prompting. So I took a deep breath and made her the promise. She turned and looked me in the eye, turned back and said she had never thought of that, that it had never crossed her mind. And that it made sense. Man was I relieved! We committed her to going to church yesterday, but she still show up. I am sometimes so frustrated with free agency! Why doesn't she understand the blessings and the spirit that is received from church attendance? Gahhhh! But I'm not done with her yet! ohhh nooo this is just the beginning! I love this work! I love the challenge this work gives me! I love being here in Ada! I love my family! Not just my immediate, but my spiritual brothers and sisters! I love my companion. I love the two other elders serving here in Ada. I love this ward. I love my Heavenly Father, and his son Jesus Christ. I love what They have done for me! I love that I can return a fraction, to them by serving my mission to the best of my ability!
Not a second wasted,
Elder Burnham.

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