Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Birthday

Well it looks like I have a full plate of things to do! I will try my best! I'm now old enough to serve a mission :) If I can succeed in doing these things, I do believe it would be a mission record! haha. So we did here about the tragedies that had occurred. It is always hard to understand why such obstacles arise, but I always feel comforted and encouraged by the words in 1 Nephi 3:7 and D&C 122:5-8. I know that through the atonement we ALL can be strengthened, if we will just expel the "beam from our own eye" and turn from our carnal, natural, sinful ways and return to the fold of Christ where we can edify one another and bless one an others lives. What greater thing than service is there? Was it not Christ who in all his power and authority told his great apostles to "feed my sheep." Now I have never fed sheep before but I imagine they don't just come strolling up to some stranger who has some food. No, you need to gain a certain amount of trust and then you can administer to them. Is not every single person a metaphorical sheep? Everyone has problems, trials, challenges. Has it not been taught over and over, that if we turn to acts of charity we will be blessed and our own burdens will be lightened. The Lord does not give us anything we cant handle, then why run and hide when something gets difficult? I have come to a firm testimony that the best way to overcome/deal with opposition is to take it full stride/ head-on! We are all brothers and sisters no matter race, gender, or religion! We need to take every opportunity in serving! I hope I haven't been too preachy, this week has been full of craziness that has all boiled down to "just go out and do!" If we second guess ourselves or convince ourselves that someone else is going to take care of it, you are just denying yourself and your family eternal blessings! I don't know about anyone else but I want to rack-up as many as possible! So Saturday Elder Neil L. Andersen, Bishop Davies, and Elder Soares all came down to OKC and had a mission conference! What an experience! He had some great things to say! First he addressed an issue of some missionaries complaining about not going foreign! I think I've gone foreign :) He said that the U.S. missions is the bread-basket for the church! Without the membership strong and willing here how would it have been possible to spread the gospel to other countries! It wouldn't have been! Basically he told them to shut up and remember who called them! Not a man in a comfy chair looking at a screen with your picture on it, but our Heavenly Father! He addressed some issues of disappointed missionaries not seeing the results of the the seeds planted. He addressed "inch by inch it happens. Your testimony will be recorded in the hearts of these people. No moment it wasted." He also talked about the people of Oklahoma having a strong faith already, and that we need not be intimidated by this. He said "Rejoice in Christ with them, and don't be afraid to learn from them." I love the work I'm participating in. This is truly God's work. I love the feeling of when we get into a home and teach of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. The Spirit has such a powerful presence. If we stay obedient, and strive to do all we can then the Lord will make up the difference! I am so very thankful for my family who has supported me, and continue to support me. I love you all. Thank you mom! Thank you for teaching me how to iron! Ive had members and missionaries admit to me that they never learned, so they just through the shirt in the dryer and that's there ironing. haha I love that we had home-cooked meals and that I was able to pick up some skills in the kitchen. I'm a 19 year old boy and I know random facts and I owe my desire to know more to my parents. With out y'all I would be nowhere. I love you so much!
Not A Second Wasted
Elder Ryan Ford Burnham.

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