Monday, June 16, 2014

Buhler's Day Off

I'm sorry for the sad letter last week! This week was great! I am now serving with Elder Buhler, and yes the movie is based off of his father. Crazy right? Well, he and I get along quite well. He's been out about 10 months now and is loving the mish! He is from Portland Oregon area. We have seen some great miracles this week! A recent convert who I helped baptize my first transfer here who went less active almost immediately, has committed to read the Book of Mormon with us. He admitted to me that the previous missionaries that were here before me pressured him into baptism. We are beginning the journey of conversion! Jonathan is a good kid, just very rebellious. He doesn't have a father figure in his life. In fact his father has been just the opposite of a hero. His parents have attempted to kill him when he was younger, he was blamed for their poor circumstances. He has major trust issues. I realized this more fully this weekend while remembering my own hero! My father. I know he can change is he allows his Heavenly Father back into his life. He has pushed all good influences out of his life! The second miracle is an investigator who has been in CA since my first transfer here is back and willing to meet again! He even gave a Book of Mormon to his cousin while in CA. Well, I love you all so very much! Thank you for all you do! Y'all have kept me going! Stay out of trouble!
Not a Second Wasted,
Elder Ryan Burnham

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